The term WEB3.0 seems to be so fascinating right? Yes, I was fascinated too. So after an exorbitant research, I will try to explain and conclude what WEB3.0 is.
Before this, let us understand what WEB1.0 and WEB2.0 is....
WEB1.0 (The static web)
Web 1.0, also called the static Web with little to no user interaction. Web 1.0 was the first stage of the World Wide Web revolution, usually referred to as read-only web. Imagine a plain HTML pages with no user input, no JavaScript. Websites were informational and contained only static content that was hyperlinked. In the era of Web 1.0 i.e. from 1991 to 2004, users on the internet were consumers who tend to consume information only without any interaction.
Example- Wikipedia, static web sites.
Technologies involved- HTML and basics of how Internet works and different protocols (HTTP, HTTPS, DNS, TLS etc)
WEB2.0 (The interactive web)
Web 2.0 from 2004 till now, is the second stage of the World Wide Web revolution, usually referred to as read-write web. Web2.0 is the Web we are introduced to and are familiar with. With HTML5, JavaScript and CSS3, users can interact and content to the web. Web 2.0 brought about a fundamental shift, where people could share their perspectives, opinions, thoughts, and experiences through a variety of online tools and platforms.
Example- Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc. (even this blog site😅).
Technologies involved- JavaScript, CSS, Cloud and various libraries and frameworks etc.
Let us explore WEB 3.0
WEB3.0 (The smart web?)
The Web 3.0 concept aims to create a decentralized, but secure, internet in which people can securely exchange money and information, without the need for middlemen or big tech companies. Unlike Web 2.0 where data is stored in a single database or on a cloud provider, Web 3.0 applications either runs on blockchain or peer to peer nodes (servers).
Reason why Web 3.0 is the future-
- It will be intelligent (AI/ML)
- It will be decentralized (Decentralized Autonomous Organization)
- It will be edge computed (Distributed Computing paradigm to increase efficiency)
Example- LBRY for YouTube. Cryptocurrency etc.
Technologies involved- Blockchain, Ethereum, Solidity etc.
Those who are more into Web development side can easily understand this but still for better understanding I would recommend to watch or read the attached video/doc.
Any guesses if WEB 4.0 exists or not??? The above attached doc gives a timid description about WEB 4.0 and according to Google, Web 4.0 or “The intelligent Web” will exist between the years 2020 and 2030 and some believe it will be as intelligent as the human brain. 🤯
Thanks if you read this. Any suggestions/corrections or knowledge sharing is greatly appreciated.😊