Below is the list of companies I have interviewed for while planning a switch.
1. CDK Global (Chennai)
Technical Round 1- Basics of JAVA, JVM, byte code, JRE etc., OOPS concepts in depth, final vs finally keyword,
multithreading concepts in Java, OS basics and project discussion.
Technical Round 2- Two coding questions were asked. As I was confident in C++ so opted to code in the same. The interviewer was polite enough to let me choose the language of choice.
Q1- Write a program to find the missing integer in an array of n-1 integers and the integers are in the range of 1 to n. This question is asked many times in interviews and I was aware of the answer.
Q2- Write a program to find the loop in a given linked list. Again, I was aware of this problem using slow & fast pointers, so able to solve it. I was stuck initially in writing the linked-list code but the interviewer helped me out.
After the coding rounds, the interviewer asked me to explain Merge Sort & its time complexity. I was only able to answer this question partially as I forgot its working part (not prepared😥).
HR Round- Basic HR questions as we all know. 😅
Verdict- Selected (But due to location and bond period, I opted not to join. Also the role was for freshers.)
2. Chetu (Noida)
Technical Round 1- This was a telephonic round which lasted for about half an hour. The interviewer asked about detailed theoretical concepts of C language such as struct vs union, different types of data types, detailed discussion on pointers and their types, memory leak issue, const keyword and its variations with pointers, typedef vs enum etc.
Technical Round 2- The interviewer started by giving the code snippets to predict the output. Most questions were based on pointers. He asked one coding question on strings where I have to use switch case to perform different operations on a given string such as reverse the whole string, reverse each word in a string but not the whole string & reverse the whole string as well as each word in that string. The question was easy but later he modified the same question and asked me to use char pointers to perform the same.
HR Round- Basic HR questions.
Verdict- Selected but not joined as they wanted an immediate joining and offer letter would only be given if I was willing to join immediately.
3. Cians Analytics (Gurgaon)
Technical Round 1- This was by far the toughest technical round I gave😫. The interviewer gave 2 coding questions directly from Leetcode. One medium-level and one hard-level question. I don't exactly remember the medium-level question but I was able to solve it. It took me 30 mins to solve. The interviewer was more concerned about the optimized approach.
Question 2 was the classic 4-Sum problem. I solved the question in O(n^4) (very poor😪) but the interviewer asked me to optimize the approach which I couldn't. The interviewer then directly jumped on the detailed theoretical concepts of C++. She asked me to code a real-world problem in C++ to demonstrate all OOPS concepts. She then asked me about pointers, different types of constructors, references, operator overloading, virtual keyword and questions on STL such as the internal implementation of vectors, the difference between sets and maps, why to use ordered maps and not unordered maps etc. This round didn't go well but the interviewer was very polite and instructed me on how to prepare for the C++ interview and what are the important topics.
Verdict- Not Selected. But I learnt a lot that day🙂....and the rest is history😂
4. Siemens (Gurgaon)
Technical Round 1- This was the coding round. Three questions were given to solve in 1.30 hrs.
Q1- Write a program to check if two strings are anagram of each other or not. Used hashing to solve it.
Q2- Complete a function to reverse a linked list in which the head node is given.
Q3- Write a program to find the longest number possible from given digits without repeating the digits. Only 5 test cases passed out of 10. As time was up so didn't modify the code.
Technical Round 2- I got a mail regarding my second technical round. In this round the interviewer asked me theoretical concepts on C++, OOPS concepts, differentiate between compile time & run time polymorphism, difference between inheritance & composition, questions on STL, etc. He then asked questions on basic Linux commands, OS concepts such as multi-threading, process-scheduling, PCB etc. This round went well as I was prepared with respect to my past interview experiences.
HR Round- Again, basic HR questions were asked.
Verdict- Selected. (Yaayyyy....🤗) They gave me the offer letter within 2-3 days after my HR round.
5. CNH Industrial (Gurgaon)
Technical Round 1- The interviewer started off from asking questions related to my personal projects as well as my organizational projects. He then asked about my language preference. I opted C++. He began asking questions on C++ concepts such as copy constructor, pointers vs references, why to use reference, memory management in C++, static vs dynamic casting in C++, smart pointer and it's types, array vs vector, how vector maintains it's dynamic property etc. He also asked questions on STL.
After a lot of technical discussions, he then asked coding questions.
Q1- Design a phonebook directory and cover all of the edge cases. He started by asking me which data structure I would use? How Key-Value pair is maintained? Which property to make as key and which property to make as value? If you make 'Name' as key and 'Ph-No' as value, then how duplicity of names is maintained? How to store 10 digit mobile number? etc. He further asked me to code the solution on an IDE.
Answer- We need to use Multimap data structure. If you know STL, you will easily do this question.
Q2- Design a single link list where each node will contain student's name and his/her roll number in a random order. Write a sort function which will sort this link list based on the student's roll number. I solved this question by using bubble sort technique but the interviewer asked me to use more optimized sorting algorithm. I was not confident enough to sort the link list using merge-sort but he seemed fine that I know the time complexities of merge and quick sort. He then further suggested me to study the inbuilt sort function and how it is the most optimized in C++.
Technical/Managerial Round 2- This interview was taken by my reporting manager. He asked me basic questions on OOPS concepts, Embedded C, basic networking protocols & Linux commands. He was more focused on questions like describe the situation where I felt pressured but I handled it in a calm way, describe the most challenging bug I solved in my current organization, what is Agile methodology and how Scrum benefits a project progress? etc. He seemed happy with all of my answers😀. He then gave me the opportunity to ask him questions related to job and all if I had any doubts.
HR Round- The most amazing one where the HR only congratulated me on getting selected 😂. I further negotiated with respect to my Siemens offer.
Verdict- Selected. (Yaayyyy...🤗)
6. Capgemini (Gurgaon)
There was only one technical round which went well but after that I didn't receive any feedback/response from HR. Probably due to my high salary expectation🤣. Questions were generally from C and two coding questions were asked. One was a pattern question and the other was a simple string question where I have to remove all the vowels from the given string and print the counts of each vowel. Solved both questions in the given time frame.
I finally joined CNH Industrial because it's technology centre in India is new and I wanted to contribute to something new & growing. The current projects in CNH are from scratch and it has a fast-paced work environment where you learn a lot. Trust me, even the 10+ years of experienced people are writing code. A lot to learn from them...